Thursday, July 12, 2012

Things with Greens!!

Well, hello there!  Yay!  Less than a year since the last blog post!  HUZZAH.  Once again, I don't have any burning things to discuss here on the interwebs.  I haven't even told my therapist about you.  And I'm pretty sure all the views on my blog are views I have viewed of myself viewing. View.  What a weird word.

At any rate, I thought I would post another recipe-like thing for you, O interweb!  The past couple of days I have been making Italian-style pressed sandwiches and it's like love and joy and food in your mouth all at once.  As you can imagine, the man-bot has thoroughly enjoyed them, and I always feel gratified when the man-bot is grateful!  :) I don't have any pictures this time, so you will have to imagine how beautiful and delicious they are!

I made a cream cheese-aioli style sauce and used baby arugula, turkey and much delicious...

(makes two sandwiches)

For the aioli:

One garlic clove, crushed into a paste-like substance
1 Tbsp white balsamic vinegar
1 Tbsp mayo
2 Tbsp cream cheese
pepper, paprika and salt to taste


Crush up the garlic clove with the back of your knife and put it in a small bowl, pour the vinegar on top and let that sit while you gather the ingredients for the sandwich:

2 ciabatta rolls (or four slices of other italian bread)
6 slices salami
4 slices deli turkey (I highly recommend going to the deli counter for your lunchmeat, it is WAY fresher and WAY tastier!)
4 bunches of baby arugula
a sprinkle of parmesean cheese (grated or otherwise)

Whisk the mayo, cream cheese and seasonings in the small bowl and slice the bread roll and spread your delicious spread on both sides of each roll and on the bottom half, layer one handful of arugula, then a slice of salami, a slice of turkey, a slice of salami, a slice of turkey and then the last slice of salami, the second handful of baby arugula and sprinkle some parmesean on the arugula and cap it with the top half of the roll.  Now wrap your sandwiches in saran wrap pretty tightly and then put them in the fridge under something heavy.  I put mine under a smallish cutting board and then put some heavy pans on that, so as to spread out the weight.  Leave them over night and they will be ever so yummy for lunch the next day!  Woo hoo!  I had mine with a side of raw broccoli, which was DElicious!!

I hope you enjoy your sandwiches!

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